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Happenings #3 29 October 08

Posted by Fantastic Four in Happenings, Life.
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That Which is Happening:

I love rain, in manageable doses.

Rain is happening today and I like it.

It rained while I had a peaceful snooze. Twas delicious.

Yesterday I bought a blue bouncy ball, which I fancied playing with.

Now I have my Tuesdays and Sundays off but Sundays go way too fast.

Yesterday, my friend M sent me 3 jokes, which I lolled at.

Lolled so much I even contemplated forwarding them.

I never forward stuff.

That Which is Not Happening:

That intended yoga class at the gym.

Nor the pilates or the stretching class.

These days, I want to do nothing* with the free time I have before and after work.

So everything else, that is not doing nothing, is not happening.

~~~~~~~The End~~~~~~~~

*These days, doing nothing means generally loitering in cyberspace.